How do I ensure lead generation? Mission statement

For me, lead generation is about opening the first door to the sales interview. Creating opportunities to do business.

Do I play to win when I generate leads? Absolutely! The service I provide is one of ambition. From a pragmatic perspective, it is unrealistic to expect that everyone will say yes to a phone-based approach. That trust needs to be nurtured in order to grow, emerging over the phone from a mutual understanding of each other’s agendas.

Resolute determination and trust

Lead generation requires a healthy dose of professionalism and persistence. That is why it is key that I am steadfast in building that trust. I remain resolute. I stand firm, even when my profession demands patience. My motto is: each and every day is the right time to establish first contact by phone. Lead generation is an endurance sport.

Benefits of Jeroen Romein

Since lead generation is an endurance sport, I have a number of other qualities at my disposal:

  • I have a pleasant phone voice
  • I get to the point quickly in a sales pitch
  • I have paid access to a database covering various sectors
  • I provide years of experience and a keen sense of how people work, focused on large organisations
  • I have a well-developed sensitivity to peripheral factors

You won’t be working with a contact centre

Good lead generation results in understanding and trust from your prospects. First contact should never be about rehashing the same things, or limited to just another call script.
It is about a thorough enquiry into the prospect’s needs, creating trust with a short business pitch. The last thing I want to be is yet another contact centre.
`Transparency is also essential for me. In this profession, it is key to provide full disclosure about relevant factors. That is why I prefer to provide my services at your location, and why you will always get a progress report.

Sectors in the business market

Sometimes I am asked if I am specialised in any specific sectors. Although I do already have regular clients in such sectors as ICT, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing, as well as the maritime sector, my intention is to be able to serve a wide range of clients across the board. In the end, my specialty is figuring out customer needs and pitching your product or service based on my own rock-solid belief that it’s worth it.

Success in the business market

My years of experience help me know exactly who you need to speak to in order to do business effectively. That ensures that my appointments are also high-quality.

Feel free to call me directly to make an appointment now: +31 6 271 83 874